OSS Middle East throw USA agent issues Certificates of FDA Registration for food facilities with a valid FDA registration. For food facilities that are not registered with FDA. OSS can help you find the optimal solution for your needs. Our team for FDA consultants and partners counts with an extensive industry experience (medical devices, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food and end-consumer) to assist your company to meet FDA compliance and regulatory goals. FDA Registration Services for Food, Drug, Medical Device and Cosmetics manufacturing. FDA registration is a mandatory requirement for food, drug, and medical device facilities. Registration for cosmetics is not mandatory. The FDA regulates a wide range of products, including foods (except for aspects of some meat, poultry and egg products, which are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture); human and veterinary drugs; vaccines and other biological products; medical devices intended for human use; radiation-emitting electronic products; cosmetics; dietary supplements, and tobacco products.
OSS Middle East Provide all field with quality services and Management Systems to ask for a price list or free consultation for any services we provide contact us now!
Oss Middle East Company: Aim to help organization in all sectors in Egypt and Middle East to apply the international standard in Quality Management systems in all fields.
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