HACCP Certification

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a process control based system for food safety. The HACCP principle for Food safety has been developed based on guidelines for HACCP application as per the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The system is a process control system guidelines which is applicable to any organization those who are dealing with Manufacturing, trading, supply, retailing, packing, transportation, farming etc of food product. Also, system provides the guideline to identify the food safety Hazards (Physical Hazards, Chemical Hazards & Biological Hazards), evaluation of Food safety Hazards and Food safety Risk analysis, establishing the PRP’s, setting of product characteristics, Critical control points, critical control limits, validation , verification , identification of potential emergency situations related to food safety etc.

You can see a sample for our HACCP certification as the below:

HACCP Certification
Certificate Sample

The summarized requirement details of HACCP are given below :

HACCP Certification Concept

Assuring Food Safety

  • Control of food safety through process control by prevention method.
  • Identify the potential food safety concern (i.e Food safety Hazards, contamination, CCP etc).


As per Codex Alimentarius Commission guidelines there are seven HACCP principles as given below

  • Principle 1 – Conduct a hazard analysis.
  • Principle 2 – Determine the critical control points (CCPs).
  • Principle 3 – Establish critical limit(s).
  • Principle 4 – Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP.
  • Principle 5 – Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control.
  • Principle 6 – Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively.
  • Principle 7 – Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application.

Principle 1: Conduct an Hazard Analysis

The very first principle of HACCP Consultant in Alexandria is conducting a Hazard Analysis. The purpose of hazard analysis is to develop a list of potential hazards. There are two stages of which the first stage is Hazard identification, where the HACCP Registration in Egypt team reviews the ingredients used, steps in production and also equipment used. All the potential hazards are difficult to identify. An HACCP Certification consultant in Cairo can help with the same. Second stage is Hazard evaluation where the potential hazards listed are evaluated whether to include or exclude it in the HACCP plan based on the severity of the ill effects that an identified hazard can cause. HACCP certification cost in Cairo could do favor in reducing or eliminating the expense caused due to severity.

Principle 2: Determine the critical control points (CCP)

Critical Control Point is a step or procedure or a point at which control can be applied and food safety hazards can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. Hazard Analysis is a good foundation for CCP. Few examples of CCPs are thermal processing; chilling, testing ingredients for chemical residues, product formulation control, and testing products for metal contaminants etc. HACCP consultants in Cairo could be a better source to help in CCP. Because Broadway of knowledge is essential to accurately complete CCP principles.

Principle 3: Establish critical limits

This is where HACCP certification in Alexandria is a helpful tool in controlling the hazards of any sort. A critical limit is a maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, chemical or physical parameter must be controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the occurrence of a food safety hazard. HACCP in Alexandria is a good tool to establish critical limits for your organization process. The controls of CCP will have one or more critical limits. To identify the same a consultant in Alexandria can do favor. The respective critical limits should be identified and controlled in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce the food safety hazards to an acceptable level. To identify the control measure associated with the critical limits, it is required to hire an expert or HACCP certification consultant in Alexandria as a complete source to provide a solution on the same.

Principle 4: Establish monitoring procedures

Monitoring is very important to check and verify whether the critical limits are under control at CCP. It is useful in keep track of operation and to prevent any deviation front happening, or it helps to take corrective action in order to address any deviation and also keeping track and recording of operation helps in future verification. In this ways certification cost in Egypt helps saving time and money by controlling the operating cycle of your organization.

Principle 5: Establish corrective actions

Corrective actions are very important to prevent any future deviations. HACCP certification in Luxor is used to take corrective actions if any deviations. This is a somewhat ideal scenario where procedures are well established according to the plan but then deviation occurs due to inevitable or unnoticeable parameters. During these kinds of situations the Implementation in Egypt team should be able to take corrective actions. A team member who is well aware of the process and the product should be assigned to take care of corrective actions or an HACCP certification consultant in Luxor who is capable of doing the job can be hired to help the whole team.

Principle 6: Establish verification procedures

It is the most important step in carrying out our HACCP approach in your organization according to the plan. The end product testing might yield results but the cycle cost to repeat and correct it would be higher than the certification cost in Luxor. Thus, verification of HACCP plans is a required duty. It also involves the initial validation of the HACCP plan.

Principle 7: Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures

The record keeping and documentation procedures Play a major role in continuously improving the process and the procedures in your organization. It often helps in Saving costs in hiring an HACCP consultant in Luxor for any future corrections. It should include a brief summary of Hazard Analysis, CCP, critical limits and all other activities during HACCP implementation in Egypt and also day in and day out activities performed internal to the organization’s process in food manufacturing.

This is how HACCP in Luxor can help organizations to prevent, eliminate or reduce any food safety hazards. Successful implementation of HACCP relies upon these seven principles and the HACCP plan. It is also important to maintain the plan by the HACCP team to make it completely successful

Completing Your HACCP Plan: a Step-By-Step Guide
Completing Your HACCP Plan: a Step-By-Step Guide
HACCP Plan Table

Application/ Implementation Steps of System

  • Assemble the HACCP team
  • Describe product
  • Identify intended use
  • Construct flow diagram
  • On-site verification of flow diagram
  • List all potential hazards, conduct a hazard analysis and determine control measures
  • Determine CCPs
  • Establish critical limits for each CCP
  • Establish a monitoring system for each CCP
  • Establish corrective actions
  • Establish verification procedures
  • Establish record keeping and documentation

Benefits of Certification

  • Minimize the Food safety Hazards contamination in Food.
  • Reduce the potential Food born diseases, which may cause due contamination of food.
  • Improve Compliance level with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements
  • Effective communication on food safety issues to their suppliers, customers and relevant interested parties in the food Supply chain
  • Improve the business potential among the competitor
  • Improve the confidence of customer and end user.
  • Reduce cost of Food Analysis.

Applicant organization shall ensure the followings prior to HACCP certification

  • Organization has implemented the System in the organization. Established the Food safety process controls, Process Control Manual, relevant procedures and SOP’S.
  • Conducted one complete cycle Internal Audit of System.
  • Conducted at least one Management review meeting on System.

HACCP Certification Process

  • Application review and contract Sign up between OSS and applicant organization.
  • Onsite Audit
  • Certification decision
  • Issue of certificate.
  • Surveillance audit (annually or Half yearly as finalized during application review process and agreed by client)
  • Re-Certification Audit (within three years before expiry of certificate)

OSS Middle East Provide all field with quality services and Management Systems to ask for a price list or free consultation for any services we provide contact us now!

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