The CM10 process controller is scalable in terms of both hardware and software, enabling it to meet your application requirements. The flexible control functionality including on/off, time proportioning, analog PID, dual output control and math & logic make this controller suitable for a wide range of process applications.
Fully configurable via the easy-to-navigate front panel menus or ConfigPilot configuration software, the CM10 can be commissioned rapidly and then tuned via the advanced auto-tune functionality. MODBUS® and Ethernet communication options ensure easy integration into a control system.
Construction Management Courses
CM 10, Introduction to Construction ManagementLec-17.5 field trips P/NP Available
Overview of the Construction Management profession and the requirements for programs of study. This course focuses on the scope and nature of work in Construction Management, including professional roles, skills and responsibilities, career opportunities, and higher education pathways.CSUUnits: 1CM 100, Fundamentals of Construction ManagementLec-52.5 P/NP Available
Introduction to the basic concepts of construction project management including: the building design and construction process; proj ect participants, their roles and responsibilities. Areas of focus to include the application of the principles of contracts in relation to construction projects, estimating, scheduling and project control.CSUUnits: 3CM 110, Construction GraphicsLec-35 Lab-70 P/NP Available
Introduction to basic graphic and communication skills and knowledge required to
effectively read and use drawings in the construction industry. Analysis of
drawings in the civil, architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical fields
and their relationship to construction planning and estimating. Material quantity
surveying. Freehand sketching.CSUUnits: 3CM 240, Construction Cost EstimatingLec-52.5 P/NP Available
PREREQ.: CM 110 or demonstration of CM 110 exit skills
A study of the fundamental approaches to estimating the cost of building construction projects. Topics discussed include: types of construction estimates; the material takeoff process; the use of computers in estimating; total project estimating including direct costs, indirect costs, contingency and profit.CSUUnits: 3CM 244, Construction SchedulingLec-52.5 P/NP Available
PREREQ.: CM 240 or demonstration of CM 240 exit skills
Study of the basic concepts of construction scheduling: scheduling techniques with a focus on Critical Path Method; CPM schedule planning, scheduling, updating and analysis. Manual procedures in scheduling are followed by computer applications.CSUUnits: 3CM 248, Construction Project AdministrationLec-52.5 P/NP Available
Principles and practical applications of construction project administration with an emphasis on construction-phase services. Topics include: an overview of project administration throughout the phases of a construction project; the contractual and regulatory environment of construction projects; the development of a project procedures manual; computer-based project administration. CSU Units: 3
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